oma is for grandma

reflections, thoughts and stories on and about us: a half-Australian-half-German family attempting to raise bilingual children

Wednesday, February 1

books, glorious books!

I Read this book just the other day by Mem Fox, a brilliant children's book author and literacy consultant as well as literacy professor (not that that gives her greater credibility, but I just love her stuff).

I found the book truly inspiring ... maybe cause it says what I've wanted to hear anyway "Go ahead, indulge yourself in books!! Have as many as you like ... and maybe even a few more!" I had a similar reaction of "Yes, yes, yes!" when I read the poem 'Television' from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Forget about the subtitle of the book, which is quite offputting. I don't like this sort of self-help stuff that claims to tell you the secret of how you can achieve the impossible in 2 weeks.

The book itself is a really good read for any parent or person looking after children and reading to/with children. It has reminded me once again of how much fun there is to be had with books and that it is also extremely beneficial for children to be read with (even if it doesn't teach them how to read before they start school).
And for ideas on where to find good Australian children's books check out the Children's Book Council of Australia.


Blogger RodeoClown said...

Hey Fran,
do you own that book, or is it someone else's?

I could read before I went to school. I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

I think that if you have an interest in reading and actually encourage your child to, then they probably will read 'early' too.

Hope things are well. It's no complaining day!

Read all about no complaining day.

1:17 pm  
Blogger Franzie said...

Got the book from the library (you're most welcome to borrow it), but wouldn't mind buying my own copy.

Yes, I agree that parents with a love for books, who foster that same love in their children rarely have children with literacy problems. Those children will generally read and write pretty well, but I just react to this "if you only do this little thing, then a, b and c are definitely going to happen" self-help sort of stuff. ("If you go running every day for 20 minutes you'll loose 5kg in 2 weeks")

I think it's a lot less deceptive and much more encouraging to just say "hey this or that is a really beneficial thing to do" and yes it might bring about these fabulous results, but even if it doesn't it still is a great thing to do (like reading lots to your children or doing exercise). I think it's much better if people are commited to the process rather the promised end result and they might get a pleasant surprise. Much less reason to complain too!!

Go the no-complaining-day!!!

1:47 pm  
Blogger RodeoClown said...

I completely agree about the saying 'do A, B and C' and then get 'D'.

I think if your kid doesn't start reading (well) till they are in year 6 or 7, what does it matter as long as they can get by and enjoy it.

Mat loves books now, I'm hoping he'll like them even more when they stop having pictures all the time :)

1:59 pm  

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