oma is for grandma

reflections, thoughts and stories on and about us: a half-Australian-half-German family attempting to raise bilingual children

Thursday, March 2

Oh, I've been falling behind!

I haven't been very active in my 'blogging life' recently and today I opened up my bloglines account only to find that I've got 53 unread blog posts ... SCARY!!
That put me right off and I began to think that maybe this whole blogging thing is just one of those new fads after all. Hope not! So maybe by posting something myself I'll break the lazy cycle.

It all started with me looking for pyjamas for the little girl on eBay and then I was spending soooo much time on eBay that I got totally frustrated with eBay, the internet and the computer ... I didn't wanna be doing anything in front of the computer.

So ... I started a crochet project and as is the case with everything I do I just did that for the next week straight in every free minute that I had. So I was successfull at least for a while to abstain from using the computer (btw Bernat has loads of free patterns, really I could keep knitting and crocheting forever without ever having to touch the computer again ... well except to download patterns :-)
After that I really started to get into my book (I always read while breast feeding the baby cause she gets too distracted when I talk) and started reading whenever I could (Michael Ende's "Die Unendliche Geschichte" the English title is "The Neverending Story"). That was a really nice distraction too but now I've finished that book and I never seem to quite manage to jump straight from one story into the next one, though I do have another book by him ready ("Momo"). So, since I've got no more excuses why I don't have time to spend on the computer I might just write a post for my blog though I do have this strange feeling that this might be the last post for a long while to come ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

einen lieben Gruß. Ich bin also die Oma, nicht grandma, denn grandma lebt in Sydney, ich lebe in Deutschland bei Berlin. Ich kann leider gar nicht alles lesen und verstehengen, den leider kann ich nicht so gut diese englische Sprache in der meine Tochter Franziska diese Internetseite beschreibt. Ich freue mich sehr über die Fotos und über manchen deuteschen Text. Aber ich werde englich über.

1:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Außerdem finde ich den neuen Umhang für Miriam ganz toll. Ich konnte nicht alles übersetzen, aber ich denke den hat Franziska selbst gehäkelt. Steht dem Mädchen ganz wunderbar.
Beim Lesen der unendlichen Geschichte wünsche ich fiel Spaß.

1:20 am  

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